Where validation queries are raised in COLLECT, an explanation will be required for these queries in the return level notes field within COLLECT.
Please note that the department will require sufficient detail in these explanations to allow the queries to be accepted and returns authorised. Schools are encouraged to quote the responses provided by the DfE to enable automatic checking.
The guide is now available on the school census website here providing examples of what would be regarded as an acceptable notepad entry for queries on the census.
Within this workbook there are separate tabs for school level queries, pupil level queries, term on term and COLLECT only queries. Please note that the examples within this document are only provided for illustrative purposes unless otherwise stated and should not be used as a simple ‘copy and paste’ into COLLECT – a relevant explanation for an individual school’s circumstances should be provided.
When providing notepad entries please include the query number along with the explanation as this will help us to process/ok them in a timely manner.
Complete the school census - Check your data - Guidance - GOV.UK
Information on validating your data, resolving errors and checking any funding reports that use your school census return