OSMIS Education – Incident Management Process
The school will contact the OSMIS service desk by one of the following three methods:
· By telephone to 0161 883 1290
· By email to support@osmis.co.uk
· By completion of the web form available on this site
The service desk will seek to capture the following information in the case of incidents or questions and the caller should have the following information available:
School Name
User Name
User email
User direct dial
Preferred contact method – email or telephone
What the user was trying to do
Details of the incident / question
Details of any error message received
The service desk will record the incident / question on the CRM system and then confirm the information captured by mailing the school directly.
Your request (#{{ticket.id}}) has been received and is being reviewed by our support staff.
To update this request with any further details, please reply to this email.
Many thanks
SIMS Service Desk
It will normally be the case that the service desk will provide a solution on first contact, mark the call as solved and mail a copy of the information given to the user in school
Your request (#{{ticket.id}}) has been marked as solved on our systems.
We trust that the solution we have provided meets your needs and the request will be set to closed in 4 days.
If you feel that we have not provided an appropriate solution or need any further information, please reopen the request by replying to this email.
Many thanks
SIMS Service Desk
· Responses to email communications will automatically be appended to the call record and the user in school updated of the change to the call log
· If the identification of an appropriate solution requires further investigation or development works the service desk will keep the user in school informed of progress towards resolution.
· If the identification of an appropriate solution requires that the matter be referred to the software supplier, then the service desk will be responsible for liaison with the supplier and for regular communication with the user in school throughout the life of the call.
· If the identification of an appropriate solution requires the input of an OSMIS product specialist then the service desk will normally liaise with the product specialist on behalf of the school or, where the issue is of a particularly complicated nature, refer the call to the product specialist who will liaise directly with the school efficiently to identify a solution.
· In all cases the service desk will retain responsibility for ensuring that the call is dealt with in accordance with service delivery targets and the particular circumstances of the call.