Invalid series code in file
1. Check that the basedata has been imported into the Exams module. Once all basedata has been imported, re-import the result file.
2. If the above fails, open up the result file in notepad to check if the problem is with the header. If there are question marks ('??') in the results file header; modify the header record to match the basedata in Examinations Organiser e.g from ?? to 6B.
If the header information is correct and the correct series is in the result file;
3. Check that the Result File is in the correct JC Format.
- Open the file using notepad to check the format. If the format is incorrect, the user will need to contact the Board.
4. Check for duplicate Result files in your SIMS\Examin folder.
If the results are scrambled in the file this is a sure sign that the file is corrupted. Please ask the board to resend.