The DfE has asked all schools to record and submit data on alternative provision (AP) placements that have been arranged for their pupils.

Schools that have not arranged any placements during the collection period do not need to record and submit any information.

  • AP is full- or part-time education arranged by:

    local authorities, either directly or working with schools, for pupils who, because of permanent exclusion, illness or other reasons, would not otherwise receive suitable education

    schools for pupils to improve their behaviour off-site, or during a suspension

    AP is not an out of school activity arranged in addition to a full-time education, including activities arranged primarily for recreational purposes or for SEN support. Nor is it educational home learning resources provided by a school for the pupils at home.

    AP settings provide education for pupils who do not go to a mainstream school or special school full time.

    The education often takes place at a PRU, AP academy or free school, but placements can also be arranged in another mainstream or independent school that provides AP, or in an educational setting that is not registered with DfE.

  • Data should be submitted for pupils both on and off roll who have been placed in AP within the census period.

    -single-registered pupils on roll on census day

    -pupils who were single registered but who have been removed from the roll within the census period

    If a pupil has been single registered in your school on more than one occasion within the census period, return the information for the most recent placement only.

    If your school has arranged placements in other AP settings for these pupils, you should also complete the alternative provision placements arranged by schools module for each placement.

  • Unique Reference Number of the establishment within which the AP placement has been arranged

    -UK Provider Reference Number where the establishment does not have a URN

    -Where the establishment has neither a URN or UKPRN you should provide the Companies House company number, type of setting and postcode of the establishment

    Date of Entry - the date on which the pupil began their AP placement

    Date of Leaving - the date on which the placement ended

    SEN Details - as would be required for any pupil included in the census return

    AP Attendance Pattern - indicated whether the pupil is to attend 10 morning / afternoon sessions (FT) or fewer (PT) and if part time, the most recent number of sessions to be attended at the AP setting.