Error Message: Import files are not present for the selected board and season
1. Check that current Season is correct for the Basedata selected. Check the user is 'IN' the correct Season. (At the bottom of Exams Organiser)
2. Check that the correct Basedata files for that Season are unzipped and in the EXAMIN directory. This is normally in S:\SIMS\EXAMIN
For example, if user is trying to import Basedata for June 2014, the Basedata series would be S6*14_**.x**. where 6 is the month and 14 is the year.
If the Basedata files are not present in the EXAMIN folder, the Series will need to be downloaded from the relevant Boards website and unzipped.
3. Check that Basedata has not already been imported against this Season, or any other Season. To view if Basedata has already been imported into the current Season, expand the Board by clicking on the + on the left hand side of the Board. This will allow you to view the Series files if imported.
a) Once a Series file has been imported, it cannot be imported again. To add new Awards or Elements you must Refresh the Basedata.
b) A series can be imported into one Season only. If you are trying to import a Series that has already been imported into a 'duplicate' season it will not find the file.
To check if the Series has been imported into any other Season select Tools | School Setup | Seasons.
The View can be changed from 'Open' to 'Locked' and also 'Closed' to view ALL the Seasons.
c) If the Season has been locked, this needs to be unlocked
d) If the Season has been Closed and Basedata has been imported it will not be possible to process the examinations from a closed Season.
e) If you have a 'duplicate' Season matching the same months it is possible that the Basedata has been imported into this Season. Change your current Season in Exams Organiser and investigate the Basedata tree again to check if the files have been imported.
4. Check that School Details is pointed to the correct EDI EXAMIN folder. This is found Tools | School Setup | School Details.
5. Ensure you are importing the Series into the correct Board Code.
Check the routing code of the Board by selecting Focus | Basedata - Select the Board and right click to view the properties. The routing code must match the Series File Code. For example file S1C14_11 must be imported into Edexcel/GCE routing code 11.
6. Ensure that the Basedata is not in a Sub-Folder in the EXAMIN folder. If the file path points to the EXAMIN and the Basedata is inside another folder in the EXAMIN, it will not be recognised by Exams.
7. Ensure that the Season Pattern being used for the Season contains the month that the basedata is intended for. The Season may cover the neccessary month, but if the Season Pattern doesn't contain it then the basedata won't import.
8. In Tools | School Setup | Seasons, ensure that the calendar year is showing the correct year. Eg, if the basedata file is named S1C14_11, as mentioned above the 14 denotes the year (2014). The Calendar year should match that. If it doesn't, you will need to create a new season and ensure that you change the calendar year BEFORE saving the season. Once the season has been saved, you will not be able to edit the Calendar Year. This may also mean creating a new Season Pattern, as you can't have two seasons with the same Season pattern name covering the same time period.
Please go through all the steps thoroughly as errors in importing Basedata may indicate a problem with the system or Basedata, however, to not be able to see the files indicates a problem in the setup and importing process by the user.
It is also worth clearing down the EXAMIN folder by putting the old data into another folder e.g. EXAMINBACKUP, just in case this folder is getting too large.