How is the PI cohort calculated?

The Key Stage 4 Cohort

The Key Stage 4 cohort contains those students that are on roll on CENSUS day (the third Thursday in January) who were aged 15 as at 31st August the previous year. This group is named yyyy KS4, where yyyy is the year in which the examinations are being taken. 

The 16-18 Cohort

Candidates must have completed their Advanced Studies in the academic year, by meeting one or more of the following criteria:
- A Level Cohort: Entered in the current academic year for at least one A Level.
- Academic Cohort: Entered in the current academic year for at least one A Level or substantial Advanced Level academic qualifications.
- Vocational Cohort: Entered in the current academic year for at least one substantial Advanced Level vocational qualification. A substantial qualification is equivalent to at least one A Level. 

Additionally if a student only has results that have been entered manually in Edit PI then they will not automatically be picked up in the Cohort. They will need at least one result that has been imported in the results file or entered through a Marksheet.

Please also note that only students with an enrolment status of 'On Roll' or 'Main' are considered for automatic inclusion in the Cohort.

Finally, as per the functionality, the PI Cohort 16+ memberships is only considered for students with the below levels