Childcare FAQS
Q - If the childcare does not take place on every day of the week should it be included? Some schools have Before or After school childcare for only a few days a week even though it is regular.
A - It should be included if it is a guaranteed regular service (where the intention is provide a service that will allow parents to work or attend training on a regular basis)
Q - Should School Special Schools include Respite Care during the holidays as Childcare
A - As long as it is reliable and predictable – then yes include it
Q - We have schools that host Summer Schools which are funded by “Fun Days” – Charitable Organisation for 2-3 weeks during the Summer Holidays each year – does this count as Childcare?
A - Yes it should be included – it would make it easier for parents to work during holidays – even if it doesn’t cover all the weeks.
Q - When numbers of places are being entered should this be the number of available places or the number of filled places?
A - Available places
Q - If it is the number of available places, what should a school put where they will happily increase the number of places as demand indicates, and so could be unlimited?
A - Schools should base their answer on the service as it is in January 2016 – so currently available places
Q - If the number of places is based on availability how do schools enter the number of 0-4 places as this will be dependent on knowing if a child is doing the 9 hours or more a day?
A - This is not dependent on the child receiving 9 hours or more a day it is dependent on the number of places being available for 9 hours or more a day.
Q - Should schools be recording childcare that is only available on census day, or should it be covering a particular time period?
A - We want to know about regular reliable service – so census day should be typical of the offer.
Q - If childcare was in place but the provision on site ends part way through the year, should it be included?
A - Schools should answer on basis of what is happening during Jan 2016 – but if it is going to close soon it would be better to give nil return
Q - What constitutes Childcare Services in a Secondary school. For example, students are allowed on site from an hour before the start of the school day and we offer some after school clubs at the end of the school day. However, no charge is made for this. Parents do not "book" places at these times of day.
A - The policy is aimed at formal childcare service so none would be the appropriate response