The early years pupil premium (EYPP)
Children become eligible for early years pupil premium from the term following a child’s third birthday and retain this entitlement until they move into Reception, when they become eligible for the ‘mainstream’ pupil premium. Information is collected via the spring census.
Children will be eligible for EYPP and be recorded with early years pupil premium eligibility if they are receiving any hours of funded early education and either:
- meet the benefits related criteria for free school meals (please note: meals delivered as part of the universal entitlement are not FSM) - recorded as Economic
- are in the care of the local authority (in England or Wales) or have left care (in England or Wales) through adoption, special guardianship or a child arrangement order (formally known as a residence order) – recorded as Other
- both of the above factors – recorded as Economic and Other
- eligible with an unknown basis: where the school knows the child is eligible for EYPP (due to receiving funding from the local authority) but does not necessarily know the reason why they are eligible – recorded as Unknown